
Farmhouse (Re)Fresh

Dynamic Modern Country House

Native Materials — Responsive Spatial Arrangement

An idyllic rural setting influenced the architectural expression of this rustic yet modern farmhouse. Reminiscent of agrarian typologies, this house was intended to blend harmoniously into its environment while providing robust views and varied spatial character. Site sourced native fieldstone and charred wood siding create a deferential air while incisive formal composition provides a restrained dynamism to the house’s presence.


Conceived as a series of rustic buildings arranged about the site, each of this house’s functions occupy volumes with distinct form and orientation. This maintains one of Geist’s central beliefs that each interior space of a house should have an independent character directly related to the use of that space. For example: bedrooms should feel rooted and have a calming air; active spaces such as the studio should be lofty in feel and facilitate inspired action; common areas, where the family gathers, should feel den-like and cloistered.

This conviction drives the formal arrangement of the house. The bedrooms are at the rear, connected to nature and isolated from common activities. The living room is the heart of the house, centered on the hearth and bordered by the pool. The dining room is strongly connected to the garden and its produce grown and harvested. The studio is held aloft, which provides an inspired view and celebrates the activities performed within.